Monday, 31 December 2012

Let's (digital)Paint! - Step2 - Colors

Hi people, this tutorial is a step by step guide about digital painting for "real" beginners.
In this STEP2: Starting from a previously prepared linedrawing (in STEP1) i'm going to show you how to apply and manage colors into your paintings!

It will be awesome to see your results so feel free to send me a sample via message (remember to sign it), with your permission i could even public use some of those in here!

NOTE: This is ONE way to paint, not the only existing way . My personal workflow is very different from this but i think this is the easiest way to learn about digital painting if you are a beginner. Keeping things separated and following steps is the best way to not forget about anything and to learn what to do one thing at a time to not get confused and frustrated! If you know a better way please let me know! :D

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Let's (digital)Paint! - Step1 - Preparation

Hi people, this tutorial is a step by step guide about digital painting for "real" beginners.
In this STEP1: Starting from a simple drawing i will explain how to prepare your works to be ready for digital paint!

It will be awesome to see your results so feel free to send me a sample via message (remember to sign it), with your permission i could even public use some of those in here!

This tutorial was requested by Ian Bourlin (Drakath) as a price of his best answer on the last post on this blog. The drawing used for this tutorial is an original work of Ian Bourlin (Drakath).

ITA: Salve gente, questo tutorial è una guida passo per passo sulla pittura digitale per "veri" principianti.
In questo STEP1: Partendo da un semplice disegno vi spiegherò come preparare i vostri lavori per essere pronti per la pittura digitale!

Sarebbe fantastico vedere i vostri risultati perciò sentitevi liberi di inviarmi via messaggio i vostri lavori (ricordatevi di firmarli), con il vostro permesso potrei anche pubblicarli qua!

Questo tutorial è stato richiesto da Ian Bourlin (Drakath) come compenso per la sua miglior risposta nell'ultimo post di questo blog. Il disegno usato per questo tutorial è un lavoro originale di Ian Bourlin (Drakath)

Friday, 14 December 2012

Ghost Pirate Boy (and some talking about visual details)

Nice, really nice! I've received some answers about what details are and how you're supposed to use them to draw attention and all of them where right so, nice work! Unfortunately i had to choose only one and the best answer was the following:

Ian Bourlin (Drakath) says:

  • You can use detail to show concentration parts, to create a focus point, to create a very neat outline work, to show what is the main object / character in the drawing.
    For concentrated parts, eg: a human face, if the drawing is to show a stare, either both or one of the eye can be drawn detailed while other remain blurry or not so neat.
    Focus point can be shown through the same technique.
    Neat outline work usually involves mecha, where small detail matters, or a skyline view of a big city.
    In a messy drawing condition, EG: crowded with people, people / things around the main character / object can be not so detailed, while the details goes to the main character where it can be clearly seen / stand out. Quite similar to focus point and concentrated.

    Correct! But what are visual details? Well most of you told me that details are marks and scratches or the quantity of something... well all those answers where... Wrong! :D Well not wrong because sure of course scratches and marks or stains and something like that are details but the correct answers is: variation of light!

    Here's an example:

    As you can see in the selected region (and pretty much in the whole paint)  i'm not really drawing anything but the light variation alone is enough to trick your brain to think that there's something going on there. So the next time you're going to observe something think about it, you would be surprised on how much that you think is a complex detail can be simplified with a variation of light in a painting ;)

    Oh  yeah, Ian wanted me to teach him how to make a painting starting from a linedrawing! So in the next days i will post a step by step tutorial based on one of his drawings, with some video too ;) Grats man!

    And now... Enjoy the Ghost Pirate Boy!